Day1 - The Campsite

First Contact Simon Caldwell
Roger, Ian, Rob and Martin are completely lost for words now they find themselves face to face in real life. After recently recovering from a rock climbing accident, Simon decided to come after all, not to do any rock climbing though...
Phil's Barbecue Reluctant Subjects
Kevin, Phil, Tony, Jenny and Peter gather hungrily around the barbecue, while Moel Siabod looms menacingly in the background. Melanie, Peter, Jenny and Tony remain reluctant to be photographed while Phil cooks away happily. Tony still manages to avoid getting his face in the picture
Mark Baigent More Shifty Looking Individuals
Mark busies himself with his tent and wonders if it will stand up to what the Welsh weather is about to throw at it.

Martin, Kevin, Paul, Rob and Graham laugh at the photographer's lame attempt to get us to smile for the photo. Evidently it worked. (Photo by Tony)